Conspiracy theorizing: killing people again

Wisconsin pharmacist who destroyed more than 500 vaccine doses believes Earth is flat, FBI says.

Pharmacist Steven Brandenberg deliberately ruined over 500 doses of COVID-19 vaccine, by leaving it out of the freezer so that it spoiled.

Why? Because he thought it would be harmful, cause infertility, and that it included some kind of microchip.

Why? Because he believes in conspiracy theories. Notably, he believes that the Earth is flat, and that the sky is fake, a physical dome put in place to prevent people from seeing God. Note that this last theory is not compatible with literally any religion I’ve ever heard of. He isn’t religious–he has fallen down the rabbit hole and is unable to properly reality-check. He’s measuring the value of a proposition, not by how well it comports with reality, but by how cool it would be if it was true.

And … if any of the incorrectly vaccinated or unvaccinated people he deprived of their shots die, he has killed them in the name of nonexistent harms and nonexistent microchips.

For more on conspiracy theorizing:

All science denial is a form of conspiracy theory by Steven Novella.

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